
The organisation of Droplets 2025 tries their best to propose a sustainable event for all.

Want to help us work towards a better future ? Don’t hesitate to contact us and suggest more sustainable ways in which we could work!



  • Reducing of material orders
  • Preference for sustainable material (biodegradable, recycled, local, high quality…)
  • Arrangements with associations to collect and reuse unused material
  • Reducing of single-use printed paper
  • Preference for electronic mail and invoicing
  • Use of digital signage when possible


  • Preference for public transportation for the team’s travels
  • Conferences & meetings in locations easily accessible by public transport for most participants
  • Promotion of public transport itineraries to conference participants
  • Preference for online meetings


  • Preference for local providers using local and seasonal products
  • Use of reusable or recyclable dishes and cutlery when possible
  • Arrangements for waste reductions with local associations when possible
  • Adapted dietary requirements for all participants when possible
  • Vegetarian lunches for all participants